Wednesday, February 26, 2014

iOS Like App Launcher for your Windows (Free)

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WinLaunch an ultimate launch pad designed for your windows desktop, where it is similar to Launchpad of Mac OS X lion launcher or the popular ios home screen. It will turns into entire desktop screen when it is activated and it is wonderfully beautiful and it will properly organize your files easily.
You can download this app from
Extract from archive to local folder and double clock on the WinLaunch Starter.exe to get started with the program and read some extra tips about the program on how to use.
App Launcher for your Windows Desktop

There is no need of installing this app and you just need to pin this app to your task bar for easy access.
After performing the above operation press “F” to drag- n-drop most frequently used apps by the user.
After configuring the app use “Shift + Tab” hot key to launch winlaunch app in full screen and press Escape to get out of his app. This launcher will use default background of desktop that you have set.

Enjoy this app and don’t forget to share!


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