Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Notepad Tricks

Filled under:

Notepad is common text-only (plain text) editor and a default text editor of windows operating systems. Using notepad or any text editor you can do a lot of tricks for your computer. Notepad also allows you to modify files and read it as plain text. So here, I’m sharing to you notepad tricks below.

List of Tricks you can do on Notepad:

Don't get panic by seeing the code below just copy and paste it on Notepad and do as instructed below. That's it. The below mentioned Tricks helps in knowing effectiveness of Computer.

Check your Antivirus working or not?

Copy the code give below in the notepad file

Save it as (anyname.exe)
after saving the file, open it the Antivirus will detect it if it is a genuine updated one.

Convert Text into Audio

Open Notepad.
Copy the code give below in the notepad file

Dim message, sapi message=InputBox(“Enter your text for conversion–”,”Hover pc Hacks Text-To-Audio Converter”) Set sapi=CreateObject(“sapi.spvoice”) sapi.Speak message
Save this file with any name with .vbs as extension. For eg. Text-To-Audio.vbs

Pop out CD Drive continuously

Copy the code give below in the notepad file

Set oWMP = CreateObject(“WMPlayer.OCX.7″)
Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection
if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count – 1
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count – 1
End If
wscript.sleep 5000
Save it as (Anyname.VBS)

Make a Personal Diary
Type in Notepad:-

.LOG (in capital letters)
Save it as “Anyname.txt”.
Open it again. When you open the file again you will see the current date and time being inserted automatically after the .LOG line. This will happen automatically every time you reopen the the notepad file.

Notepad Trick to type slowly:-
Open Notepad.
Copy the code give below in the notepad file

WScript.Sleep 180000
WScript.Sleep 10000
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)
WshShell.Run “notepad”
WScript.Sleep 100
WshShell.AppActivate “Notepad”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “Hel”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “lo ”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “, ho”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “w a”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “re ”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “you”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “? ”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “I a”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “m g”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “ood”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys ” th”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “ank”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “s! “
Save the file with any name and with (Anyname.vbs) extension and close it.

Format Your Hard Disk or Someone
Open notepad.
Copy the code give below in the notepad file

01100110011011110111001001101101011000010111010000 100000011000110011101001011100 0010000000101111010100010010111101011000
If you want to read this binary code above, try to convert it here:
Save it as an .exe file giving any name you desire.

Type a sentence continuously
Open Notepad.
Copy the code give below in the notepad file
Set wshShell = wscript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys “TechmeHowto”
Save the file with any name but with .vbs extension and close it. Open the file and see how it makes you type!
Matrix Effect
Type in Notepad:
Copy the below mentioned text in your notepad file:

@echo off
color 02
echo 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
echo  0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1  0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1
goto start
Save the file with .bat extension like Matrix.bat
If you want random numbers try this:
@echo off
color 02
echo %random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%
goto start

Toggle Keyboard Button Simultaneously:
1. Caps Lock Key
Open Notepad.
Paste the following code in the notepad file:

Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys “{CAPSLOCK}”
Save the file with anyname and .vbs extension. And close it.
Now open the newly created file and see how the caps lock key behaves on your keyboard!

Final Message:
Use this Tricks for your own Risk.


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